Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hunger After Righteousness - Matthew 5

Each and every day we get hungry, right? Breakfast is what we need to do to start out our day. We need energy to go to work, take care of the kids and feel good about ourselves. Also, it is easy for us to know when we are physically hungry and thirsty. It is a real feeling and we usually do something immediately to fulfill these natural feelings. If we go without food for awhile, we feel tired. It is hard for us to go on with the day. We need food and water to survive.

With this in mind, let's look at what Christ says about spiritual hunger. In Matthew 5:6 Christ says “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” I really like this phrase because it helps us understand how we need to treat our spirits.

Just as our bodies need food each day, so our spirits need spiritual food each day. Spiritual food consists of reading/studying the word of God (scriptures, words of the living prophets), saying prayers, keeping the commandments, following the Holy Spirit, and being like Christ. Each of these things feeds our souls spiritual food. It fills us and give us spiritual energy.

The tricky thing about spiritual hunger is that it is a little harder to recognize. If we haven't read our scriptures for a few days, we won't feel a physical pain. However, the more that we consistently study the scriptures and think of God throughout the day, the more often we will recognize when our spirits are hungry.

We should be the same way (or more so) with spiritual things. Do we hunger and thirst to read the script? How about going to church? Listening to the apostles and prophets? Our spirits, just like our bodies, have a need for food. Let us recognize what our spirits need by listening to the Holy Ghost. He will tell us what to do. Interestingly enough, the Holy Ghost will have us do something physically (like call up a friend in need and go help your neighbor) to grow spiritually.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Welcome To The Blog: Finding Christ - Being Happy

Welcome To The Blog: Finding Christ - Being Happy. It is dedicated to helping people find Christ and thus find true happiness.

Life is hard.
Life is disappointing.
Life is frustrating.

However, finding Christ changes everything. It makes every aspect of life better.

Finding Christ makes life meaningful.
Finding Christ makes life bearable.
Finding Christ makes life fun.

I love Jesus Christ and I know that he makes our lives better. Notice that I didn't say, "Finding Christ makes life easy." Life is not easy with or without Christ. Just because you have found faith in Jesus Christ does not mean that you will not have any challenges in life. Finding Christ sometimes brings persecution from others. People may not understand why you don't want to drink. They may not understand why you want to go to church every Sunday. However, finding Christ brings true happiness.

That's why I am creating this blog. I want to help us all come unto Christ and to find true happiness. Life is full of sadness so read this blog and be happy!